Our church first started out in a double wide trailer where our fellowship sits today. The church was started by Pastor Wayne Dobson and shortly after that Shouting Charlie Bishop took over as Pastor. He would remain pastor until the Lord called him home. Shortly after that Pastor Bobby Laws was voted in. Three years later our current Pastor, Anthony Moore was voted in.
We believe in the full authority of Scripture as the inspired Word of God.
We believe in the Trinity as God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that there is only one God, who sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins so that we can have eternal life.
We believe there is no other way to obtain salvation or forgiveness for sins, other than through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Our church wants to be a friendly and welcoming place where everyone can feel God’s love. We aim to help people grow in their faith through lively worship and by working together to make a difference in the community. We value diversity and believe in learning and growing together. Our goal is to create a supportive environment where everyone feels encouraged to live out their faith and make a positive impact. But most important we want to see more people come to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.